In today's World, it is very necessary to know how computer work? what are the languages does computer know? The computer is fast enough today that Artificial intelligence concept plays an important role today. Augmented reality projects, motion detections, face recognitions are all possible only due to the Computer languages. Microsoft has created Windows different versions, all are developed using many of the computer programming. Computer programming includes various kinds of programs that are necessary enough to run any computer.
What is Computer Programming?
The procedure of creating and executing different arrangements of guidelines to empower a PC to do a certain errand is called computer programming.Types of computer languages
Machine language
Machine language is machine dependent as it is the only language the computer can understand.Very efficient code but very difficult to write. it is using less today because it is low level and language and computer programming were nothing without machine language.Assembly languages
Assembly language programs need to be “assembled” for execution by the computer. Each assembly language instruction is translated into one machine language instruction. ◦ Very efficient code and easier to write.High-Level Language
A high-level language (4GL) that requires fewer instructions to accomplish a task than a third generation language.} Used with databases ◦ Query languages ◦ Report generators ◦ Forms designers ◦ Application generatorsTwo broad groups Traditional programming languages Sequences of instructions First, second and some third generation languages,
Object-oriented languages
Objects are created rather than sequences of instructions Some third generation, and fourth and fifth generation languages.FORTRAN
(FORmula TRANslation. ◦ Developed by IBM in the mid-1950s).Designed for scientific and mathematical applications by scientists and engineers.
COBOL Common Business Oriented Language. Developed in 1959. ◦ Designed to be common to many different computers. Typically used for business applications.SEE MORE: 2 Easy Ways To Unblock Any Website
Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. ◦ Developed at Dartmouth College in the mid-1960s. Developed as a simple language for students to write programs with which they could interact through terminals.C
Developed by Bell Laboratories in the early 1970s. ◦ Provides control and efficiency of assembly language while having third generation language features. Often used for system programs.UNIX is written in C.
First object-oriented language ◦ Developed by Ole-Johan Dahl in the 1960s.} Smalltalk ◦ First purely object-oriented language. ◦ Developed by Xerox in the mid-1970s. ◦ Still in use on some computers.C++
It is C language with additional features. ◦ Widely used for developing system and application software. ◦ Graphical user interfaces can be developed easily with visual programming tools.JAVA
An object-oriented language like C++ that dispenses with bunches of C++'s tricky elements ◦ Allows a website page engineer to make programs for applications, called applets that can be utilized through a program.An objective of JAVA engineers is that it be machine, stage and working framework auto.These all above are the best computer programming language.For More About Computer Technolgies or Tips & Tricks Go To
Reviewed by Technology Marketing
July 24, 2015
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