winlogon.exe Windows Logon Application(winlogon.exe) What is it? Why winlogon.exe Running on My Windows

winlogon.exe Windows Logon Application(winlogon.exe) What is it? Why winlogon.exe Running on My Windows

I simply found in the Task Manager Processes a picture name "winlogon.exe" After looking through a few people say "Windows document, don't erase, framework will hang" however others say "it is a troyan that takes passwords and record information, and can be erased with no issue"

I found a couple of bizarre things on this document situated in the Windows/system32:

- I never observed this procedure in the Task Manager before today.

- The symbol is a round window with a moon and stars

- The Task Manager demonstrates NO information with the exception of the name and the memory utilized 2,316K

- I limb the Laptop with Windows 7/64 on Jan 3/10 yet the propeties demonstrates Created and got to Jan 26/2010 - Why 23 days after intalled everything and never (obviously ) got to there after?

What shoul I do?

Something simply happened to my PC (Win 7 64) that used to happen to my old one, and I figure it must be a malware. What happens is that is simply solidifies, you can switch windows, limit, expand... be that as it may, nothing reacts, no new procedure can be propelled.

So I opened the undertaking administrator to check what process was running and saw three of them I couldn't tell what they are: csrss.exe, nvxdsync.exe and winlogon.exe

csrss.exe is an authentic record however as you have found the area might be an indication of something wrong. Vital document, and to be brief here, Just google the name for more data. Try not to give any locales "a chance to settle" a csrss.exe issue for you.

nvxdsync.exe is the NVIDIA User Experience driver - you would/could have that in the event that you have NVIDIA illustrations cards.

winlogon.exe.: same as csrss.exe. Typically a legitmate document however can be mis-utilized.

Is fascinating that the solidifying has occured on two PCs. Good possibility that some setup or application (reinforcement programming for instance) could be copying the records.

Or then again it could be malware - in any case, I would have some trust in Avast and Malwarebytes to get that.

Post the full record areas and check whether some reinforcement or other document duplication process is occurring. Attempt to limit the subtle elements to some degree.

That will enable make sense of to if and what issue is occuring.

What's more, utilize Event Viewer to perceive what happens just previously or at the season of the PC solidifying. May be something totally extraordinary going on...
winlogon.exe Windows Logon Application(winlogon.exe) What is it? Why winlogon.exe Running on My Windows winlogon.exe Windows Logon Application(winlogon.exe) What is it? Why winlogon.exe Running on My Windows Reviewed by Technology Marketing on May 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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